
angela li | board co-chair

fourth-year economics and public policy major. does spatial data science, plays frisbee, and procrastinates on her BA thesis.


julia oran | board co-chair

fourth-year computer science major. loves civic tech, dogs, cheese, ice cream, and archaeology. 


liam rossman | operations chair

third-year statistics, economics, and public policy major. civic engagement chair of the IOP student advisory board. ra for dodd-mead house.



gabby skifstad | outreach chair

fourth-year computational and applied mathematics major. plays frisbee and loves baking and crafts.


john veillette | client relations chair

third-year statistics major. works at the Computer Science for All Initiative at Chicago Public Schools. previously held the Sargent Shriver Fellowship for Leadership in Public Service —developed and implemented a program, Boost Chicago, to address youth violence. continues to serve as Communications Chair of Boost Chicago post-fellowship.


annie xu | program development chair

third-year statistics and computer science major. also interested in economics and linguistics. on the board of Oeconomica (the undergraduate economics research society at UChicago). enjoys looking for good restaurants, and being an avid dog-lover.