Bridges From School To Work
TechTeam partnered with the Marriott Foundation’s Bridges from School to Work to create a mobile app. Each year, Bridges helps more than a thousand young people — most of whom are transitioning out of high school special education — prepare for the workplace and find a job with an employer in need of qualified, entry-level applicants. The app is intended to function as a digital assistant to help the students excel in their competitive jobs by providing answers to work-related questions in a timely, accessible manner and helping to prepare them for the workforce and navigating the workplace. The goal is to leverage Bridges' extensive data to give personalized answers on questions like salary, benefits, and workplace resources.
An online tutorial for TechTeam's employable app for the Marriott Foundation's Bridges from School to Work program.
The current features of the app include:
- Account creation with personal details, including disability
- Question feed with answers
- Ability to bookmark questions and filter by tags
- A recommendation algorithm based on personal attributes
See the code on GitHub.